Everyone Deserves
the Chance to Sing
This annual scholarship is worth roughly $6000 and includes 40 weeks of lessons! It is open to all applicants who are willing to dedicate themselves to the complete process and meet the needs outlined below.
Application Requirements
Submit a video singing two contrasting songs of your choice.
Create a project expressing why you want/need the scholarship, why you would benefit, your love for music and singing, and your musical aspirations. Accepted options include either a video essay or a written paper. However, I am open to other forms that feel organic to the applicant!
Participation Requirements
All scholarship lessons will be filmed and used for online content across my social media channels—YouTube, IG, and FB.
Scholarship students are encouraged to attend a weekly lesson, but I try to be as flexible and accommodating as possible. You must attend at least three monthly lessons to continue participating, barring any emergencies. Failure to commit to regularly scheduled lessons could result in the discontinuation of the scholarship. Participants must agree to regular practice at home to solidify techniques taught during lessons. If needed, I’m happy to help scholarship recipients set up a practice regiment that fits their schedule and personal learning style!
Participants must keep a voice journal during the duration of the scholarship program. The journal is where students will record new vocal discoveries during at-home practice, dictation from lessons, and notes on other interactive exercises. I want this to be as low-pressure and free from rigid structure as possible to encourage an organic workflow and commitment. I do not want this part of the process to feel like homework, and I will not evaluate it as such. However, the effort must be seen on the page.
Progress Evaluation
This scholarship spans an entire year and is personalized to each student. Once selected, we will discuss both short- and long-term goals.
Students will be evaluated every three months to check progress and determine the scholarship program's continuation. This includes reviewing their voice journal. I reserve the right to discontinue the scholarship at any time at my discretion if I feel the student is not meeting me with commitment, effort, and growth.
A final exam would be a live-streamed solo recital on your platform of choice. This performance will also be evaluated as the basis for another year of scholarship lessons.
To apply, please email all application requirements to jtpvocalstudio@gmail.com